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11 Resources

11.1 R

11.1.1 Core Documentation

  1. The R Development Core Team, eds. The R Manuals. Accessed 2019-10-15.

11.1.2 Programming

  1. Grolemund G, Wickham H. R for Data Science. 2017. Accessed 2020-02-12.

  2. Wickham H. Advanced R. Accessed 2019-10-15.

  3. Tidyverse.

  4. Introduction to data.table. Updated 2019-10-02. Accessed 2019-10-15.

  5. R and RStudio Cheatsheets. Accessed 2019-10-28.

11.1.3 Data Visualization

  1. Prabhakaran S. Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations - The Master List (with Full R Code). Accessed 2019-10-15.

  2. Healy K. Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction. Princeton University Press, 2018-04-25 draft. Accessed 2019-10-15.

  3. Allen M, Poggiali D, Whitaker K, et al. Raincloud plots: a multi-platform tool for robust data visualization. Wellcome Open Research 2019;4:63, doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15191.1

  4. Wilke CO. Introduction to ggridges. Updated 2018-09-27. Accessed 2019-10-15.

  5. r2d3: R Interface to D3 Visualizations. Accessed 2019-10-15.

11.1.4 Reproducible Research and Version Control

  1. Xie Y, Allaire JJ, Grolemund G. RMarkdown: The Definitive Guide. Updated 2019-09-23. Accessed 2019-10-15.

  2. Bryan J. Happy Git and GitHub for the useR. Accessed 2019-10-15.

  3. Xie Y. bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with RMarkdown. Updated 2019-09-13. Accessed 2019-10-15.

11.2 SAS

11.2.1 Programming and Core Documentation

  1. SAS Institute Inc. SAS© 9.4 and SAS© Viya 3.4 Programming Documentation. Accessed 2019-10-15.

11.2.2 Reproducible Research

  1. Arnold T, Kuhfeld WF. Using SAS© and LaTeX to Create Documents with Reproducible Results. SAS Global Forum, 2012: Paper 324-2012.

  2. Hemken D. SAS Using R Markdown.

  3. Allen C. Using SAS in RMarkdown. Updated 2018-01-11. Accessed 2019-10-15.